Covington - Mandeville - New Orleans - Slidell - Bat Removal and Wildlife Control Services!
Yes, we do bat removal in Mandeville, LA!
If you have bats in your attic in Mandeville, and you need to get the bats out of your attic - guess what - we can get the bats out and keep them out!
If you need references from any of our bat removals or bat removal customers in your area give us a call we can probably provide them. Finding an experienced expert in the area of bat removal can be tough and the Internet is full of misinformation!
Certain areas of Mandeville have different types of construction, depending on the age of the construction. I have done work off of Monroe street on both sides. Many of the houses around there are older and some have metal roofs. A metal roof poses a special problem because often the veins need to be sealed, as well as the ridge cap, but it is more likely you will see bats coming out of the peak of the metal roof, right at the point. A lot of the houses down by the lake front are raised and two-story. The two-story houses are on stilts or “pilings” and if that area is enclosed, the bats seem to find the small crevices to get in. You will notice small piles of what looks like mouse droppings at the base of the pilings. Those are not mouse droppings, especially if you have a strong odor around too! I will be adding some bat removal stories and pictures from the Mandeville, LA area to my bat removal in New Orleans blog I am concerned about your health and advise that if you do have bats in your attic and you need them out of your house - give me a call and I will be happy to help you. Bats are friendly guys and gals but since rabies shots could run over 1200.00 dollars - I wouldn’t be trying to capture one for a pet!
There are some bat facts you will need to know if your attic has bats in the attic or at the peak of your roof.
Do not go into your attic at night!
Do not handle a live bat or a suspected dead bat on the ground.
Bats are not trying to fly into your hair, they are beneficial to our environment!
We exclude the bats we DO NOT KILL THEM.
We can seal your home against future bat problems and guarantee it in most cases.
Your bat problem will not fix itself.
Bat deterrent sprays, powders and pulsating sound devices do NOT work to solve 99.9% bat problems.They are a waste of time and money - with your health and safety at risk you shouldn't waste either!
Moth Balls are for Moths - not bats but the fumes if heavily present can cause them to move, so be aware that you could cause them to enter the living space in your efforts to get them out of the attic if you use moth balls in the attic!
News Update:We recently did a bat removal in Mandeville along the lakefront area - I often price the job according to the work involved and It was nice to watch the bats exiting at dusk with the sunset over the lake in the backdrop! Mandeville bat removals almost always find me on top of a two-story home - I am just glad there are not many log cabins there!
Local service provider of bat removal services we certainly do our share of helping people with bat problems in Mandeville, Louisiana get rid of them. Down by the lake you will find older homes, sometimes over 100 years old. These homes with clay roof tiles and asbestos shingles provide many crevices that bats can move into. I can without a doubt provide a reference and you may be even able to walk down the street to see an example of our bat removal work. We get rid of them and firmly believe we are the best!
Free-tailed Bat
Evening Bat
In Mandeville, Louisiana these are the two most common types of bats that become a problem sometimes for homeowners.